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Expanse Manufacturing Facility - Janus

On sale: £26.25
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CE Store ID:man5e
Expanse Manufacturing Facility - Janus

This facility is one of Five currently designed by the coalition scientists along with valuable research work done by the A.L.I.C.E Development Program. Once deployed they are self maintained and require little to no maintenance.

Schematics for these are being provided by the A.L.I.C.E Development Program, allowing this building to be manufactured by any able crafter with the correct resources and skills.

Note: This facility (Janus) manufactures both SMR - Chemicals & SMR - Gases at a given rate per hour. This rate can be increased via research.

Power Requirement: 150,000 Units
Daily Running Cost: 2,500 Credits
Designed to be delployed in the Expanse ONLY

Requires Settlement Level 7

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