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A New Store Front

Posted by Coops on 3/30/2016 to Site News
It's been a few years now since we changed out the Game Store and we felt it was time to modernise the store whilst doing so this year. We have been having issues keeping the old store up to date with security patches and its been showing its age.

We also wanted to add a layer of SSL security for our game customers who wanted to help support the game. You will find the final store check out system is now SSL encrypted so you can shop with the knowledge we are doing our part to make your sale secure.

New Account - Free Item

Posted by Coops on 3/28/2016 to Site News
Signing up for stores can be a bit of a chore, remembering login details, and the actual effort involved. So we thought why not add a sweetener to the deal?  So we have decided to give you a FREE C.E.S. Extractor of your choosing for doing so!

Once you have created an account and received the sign up email from the store contact me (Coops) in game. Claim your C.E.S. Extractor of choice, but make sure you give me your sign up email address!

It won't cost you a penny, that's a saving of £25.00!

The Core-Exiles Store

Posted by Coops on 3/22/2016 to Site News
Core-Exiles has been around for over Ten years now. Back in the beginning we ran off a small shared server and had no need for a Store. As our player base grew so did our need for more powerful and stable servers. This meant we had to get Core-Exiles to support itself.

Gift Certificates

Posted by Coops on 3/21/2016 to Gift Certificates
This post will cover the use of Gift Certificates and how to obtain certificates that you may have had on your previous Store account. (Prior to 1st April 2016). Please read with care as the process for using gift certificates is slightly different than the old system.

Purchasing a Gift Certificate
You will find that there is a Gift Certificate section to the store under the main category of Extras. When you purchase a Gift Certificate it will be sent to you electronically via email. It will appear as a short code. It will start with GC and be followed by up to seven numbers.