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The Core-Exiles Store

Posted by Coops on 3/22/2016 to Site News
Core-Exiles has been around for over Ten years now. Back in the beginning we ran off a small shared server and had no need for a Store. As our player base grew so did our need for more powerful and stable servers. This meant we had to get Core-Exiles to support itself.

We shell out each month for top of the line modern servers in European Data centres with multiple redundant 65 GBit/s connectivity. We also have to pay for the ever increasing costs of advertising. Facebook and many of the main global games advertisers charge a lot to get your product out there and we do our best to put Core-Exiles in front of as many potential customers as we can.

Then there is a plethora of other services we need to tend to and pay for to help keep Core-Exiles running. To name but a few, IRC, artwork, stores, domain costs, backup services, anti virus / malware protection and development tools.

This all means that we rely on the population / player base of Core-Exiles to help us meet the bills each month. This is done through this store. A 'lot' of the items here are also available in game via other mechanics, but we have the store here so players can show their support and help out.
