Starbase N.E.I Upgrade
This is an account Upgrade. It can only be applied once and works IN CONJUNCTION with having an N.E.I (Special) fitted to your ship. What does it do, you ask ? Well NEI's as you well know allow you to latch on to various Anchors in the Galaxies and Jump Vast distances in the blink of an eye.
The Starbase Upgrade allows the N.E.I to locate any Deployed Archon starbase (Player deployed Starbases).
No more trying to figure out - hmm can I get there, where is it? With this upgrade you can SEE right away if you can get there and jump right to it in a single jump!
This upgrade will list any Archon Starbases deployed and has a 'Global' lock down timeout of 10 minutes.
REQUIRES AN N.E.I Fitted to Function!
If purchasing for an alternative Captain, you MUST add their Captain name at the time of Purchase!
This is an Account UPGRADE and not an Item, so this is NOT transferable! You may only purchase 1 Per Captain account.